Best online will writing service
To determine what is the best online will writing service we need to look at the results produced by the site. What factors would an expert look at? What are the problems with the wills created by free online will sites in Singapore? Why do others not see the problems with some free online will sites?

Joint tenants’ right of survivorship
Has a recent court decision changed the law on joint tenancy survivorship rights in Singapore? In December 2021 Singapore’s Court of Appeal delivered judgement in

Property, joint tenant, rights of survivorship
Property held as a joint tenant, the survivorship right of a joint tenant and the giving of a property held as joint tenant by Will

What happens if a beneficiary dies?
To answer the question ‘what happens if a beneficiary dies’ three factors need to be taken into account.
We need to know when the death occurs, if the beneficiary is a child of the will maker and we need to know if the Will has provisions for a beneficiary predeceasing.

Online Will in Singapore – a new dawn?
The way wills are written in Singapore remained unchanged for 200 years. In that time most people in Singapore still don't have a Will. Online Wills arrived in 2018. Are online Wills the new dawn that changes the game?